Pouring egg cooking water down the sink is a bad idea: here’s why

It also happens to be a great way to unclog sinks and make your floors like tiles shine.

In addition, it shares with the cooking water of hard-boiled eggs its role as a natural fertilizer for plants. And for good reason, the potato cooking water provides nutrients very appreciated by plants such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Important elements for the vitality and growth of plants and flowers. Potato cooking water is an ally for your garden when it is cold to give your plants a boost.

We will also add that the potato cooking water also acts as a natural and safe weedkiller. Collect their cooking water then spray it using a spray bottle on the weeds when the water is still slightly warm.

The elimination of weeds will be done thanks to the action of the starch which will clog the pores of the weeds.

Pasta Cooking Water

The fastest ways to boil potatoes
One of the first things to remember about pasta cooking water is that it’s best to be careful not to throw it down the sink.

You can use pasta water for its starch content which will serve as a binder for your sauces. It can also be used to soak legumes, soften dried vegetables, water plants and even wash dishes.

We will therefore always think about conserving certain cooking water which is not only useful for carrying out several tasks at the same time but also for our ecological footprint.

By following these few tips mentioned above, you will give a second life to your cooking water.



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