Place it in the kitchen: it keeps flies, mosquitoes and other insects away

In the bottom half of the bottle, pour in about one cup of rice vinegar or white wine vinegar. Vinegar acts as a natural deterrent for many types of insects due to its strong smell, which is unappealing to them.

Add Dishwashing Liquid: Add a generous squirt (around a tablespoon) of dishwashing liquid to the vinegar. The soap acts to break the surface tension of the liquid, making it more effective at trapping insects.
Set the Trap: Invert the top half of the bottle (the funnel part) and place it into the bottom half, creating a trap. Insects attracted by the vinegar scent will enter the funnel and be unable to escape.

Place Strategically: Position your homemade repellent in areas where you notice flies, mosquitoes, or other insects congregating. Kitchens, patios, and dining areas are common hotspots.

Benefits of Using Natural Repellents:

Safety: Free from harsh chemicals, making it safer around children, pets, and food preparation areas.

Eco-friendly: Utilizes recyclable materials and natural ingredients, reducing environmental impact.

Cost-effective: Made from common household items, this repellent is a budget-friendly alternative to store-bought products.

Versatility: Effective against a variety of insects, including flies and mosquitoes.

Additional Tips:

Regularly empty and refresh the mixture in the bottle trap to maintain its effectiveness.

For outdoor gatherings, consider placing several traps around the perimeter of your dining or seating area for enhanced protection.

Maintain cleanliness in your home, especially in the kitchen, to further deter insects from entering your space.

Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of this natural insect repellent to create a more comfortable and insect-free environment in your home. By doing so, you’re not only protecting your living space but also contributing to a healthier, more sustainable approach to pest control.



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