Grandma’s Roast Recipe Stunned Everyone!

Preparing the Mixture
  1. Soak the Bread: Begin by cutting the white bread into small cubes and soaking them in milk for about 15 minutes until they swell.
  2. Mix Ingredients: Finely chop the chives and any other greens you prefer. Then, grind the soaked bread until smooth and mix it with the ground beef, chopped onions, and herbs.
  3. Add Cheese and Eggs: Grate the cheese and add it to the mixture. Crack the eggs into the mixture and mix everything until smooth.
  4. Seasoning: Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, and coriander to taste. Mix well to ensure all flavors are evenly distributed.
Forming the Cutlets
  1. Prepare Mold: Cut the onion into cubes and grease your hands with vegetable oil. Divide the mixture into two parts and form large cutlets.
  2. Layering: Sprinkle the mold with onions, place the cutlets on top, and sprinkle coriander and nutmeg for added flavor.
    Baking the Roast
    1. Bake: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and bake the roast for about 1 hour until it’s cooked through and golden brown.
    2. Prepare Sides: While the roast is baking, you can fry some potatoes and whip up a fresh salad to accompany the meal.
    Sides Matter Too

    No hearty dinner is complete without delicious sides to complement the main dish. Consider serving your Grandma’s roast with roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or a crisp garden salad. These sides will elevate the flavors of the roast and provide a well-rounded dining experience.



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